Corona Virus Update Regarding Temporary Closing

Due to recent public health concerns in regards to the COVID-19 outbreak, we have decided to close our office for the next 2 weeks. Wednesday, March 18th will be our last regular business day. Thursday, March 19th and Friday, March 20th our office will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. for any patients that wish to pick up glasses or contact lenses. As of Monday, March 23rd, our office will be closed.
If you have a medical emergency or any medical concerns during our closure, please call our office at 585-265-3710 and leave a message. We will be checking our voicemail frequently throughout each day and someone will reach out to you to provide emergency assistance. We will provide a further update of when we plan to resume regular operating business hours as soon as we can. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office at 585-265-3710. We apologize for any inconvenience and we sincerely appreciate your understanding as we try to navigate this difficult situation.